My name is Ivan Zabrovskiy. Mostly I write a code and develop an architecture of enterprise web-services. Less often I experiment with different IT things and try to understand how and why works anything around us. From time to time I find interesting thing and I'd love to write about it. Besides this I be interested in management and in building different kind of business and development processes.
So, in this blog you can find different things about IT (mostly, web-development and system administration). Additionally you can find interesting stories from my life. All content is unique and written by me.
My contact information is the following:
email is loriowar at
My other projects: besides this blog I have a mind map project for all your thoughts. It's called Comindivion. You can try it here. This is free.
This blog is based on StoryTIme and Ruby on Rails. Source code can be found on my GitHub page.